Wizardium — Gaming NFT Metaverse where Magic comes True

or how to make Play to Earn games on BSC great again!

3 min readOct 7, 2021


The adoption of NFT gaming is growing and we are pleased to announce the new Metaverse we are building on Binance Smart Chain!

Wizardium is a magical NFT crypto game based on Play to Earn principles. The Metaverse is represented by the fairy world where wizards, alchemists, and witchers are hunting for the rare elements to drop them in the cauldron and brew some gems — native tokens of Wizardium that can bring them insane ROI. We are going to build the tokenomics and game mechanics to bring the opportunity to earn $500-$1000 weekly by active and lucky gaming.

Wizrdium Lands — each one full of elemets

The team decided to plan the release schedule of the game so every update will go live exactly right it should be to fit the game settings and balance.

Phase 1 — NFT heroes minting

Level 1 heroes — Felix, Tedius, Vitalis, Markus

To start the game users should mint their NFT characters which are represented by 3 different grades: Low, Medium, and High. The better the hero — the higher stats and so it can make more profit for the owner by playing.

In total there are 9 heroes that will be available right from the launch of the platform. Every hero is the unique NFT and the only way for users to play the game is to own at least 1 of them. NFT heroes are limited, the floor price starts from 150$ to mint. Accepted currencies: BNB, BUSD, USDT, BTC, ETH (all BEP-20).

Phase 2 — NFT elements farming and native Wizardium Token

Elements swapping to the native Token

The game is a dApp and is represented as a transactional game based on Binance smart Chain with roll mechanisms. Users will be able to enter the Wizardium by owning their heroes and send them to farm rare NFT elements. Every location is designed to be full of some exact elements and the higher class of the character — the faster and with more probability the element may be found.

Once the users will found and collect the needed elements they will be able to swap them to the native Wizardium token and sell them on the open market or inside the platform from in-game Marketplace and earn some profit.

The use cases of Wizardium native token:
* Trading on DEXes;
* Purchasing new heroes as farming units;
* Purchasing Boosters from in-game Marketplace;
* Wizardium token Staking;

Phase 3 — Gamification

Building mini-games where users may conquer with each other by using their NFT heroes. We call it Witchcraft Battleground. The production of those games is still under construction and project requirements gathering. More details will be after Phase 2 is completed.

How Wizardium project moves

Project development status:
✅NFT heroes minting Smart Contact — ready
✅Web3 wallets connection — ready
✅Wizardium website — ready
➡️Community building — in progress
➡️Pre-launch marketing campaigns — in progress
🚀Wizardium launch

Wizardium is scheduled to launch at the end of October. Some magic preparation should have happened before.

Follow us on social to stay tuned on the upcoming launch:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/wizardium_
Telegram: https://t.me/wizardium_nft
Discord: https://discord.gg/3QDpPhbA24
Medium: https://medium.com/@wizardium




Magical gaming NFT Metaverse on Binance Smart Chain | Play 🎮 to Earn 💰